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In a nutshell

Balanceability is the UK's first and only accredited 'learn to cycle' programme for children aged 2 1/2 to 6 years old. It is available at sites across the UK and is supported by Olympic Gold-medal winning cyclist Chris Boardman. Balanceability combines unique ergonomic balance bikes with a programme of activity that builds confidence, spatial awareness and dynamic balance skills enabling young children to cycle without ever needing stabilisers.

By completing a Balanceability programme, your child will display:


  • Increased confidence, self-esteem and resilience

  • Physical improvement through the development of Gross Motor Skills such as balance, co-ordination, agility, core strength and flexibility

  • An enthusiasm to put their learning experience into practice with with raised interest in walks, cycling and family outings



Chris Boardman MBE, said: "Balanceability is the fundamental starting point for children's cycling and an excellent opportunity to promote active lifestyles at the earliest possible age. I can see it also provides a natural lead into Bikeability for Schools and I would encourage all schools to give children the opportunity to use balance bikes."



In detail

Balanceability teaches children under six the skills required to learn to ride a pedal bicycle. Through the use of pedal-less bikes, Balanceability eradicates the use of stabilisers and promotes the fundamental skill of cycling, which is balance.

The programme comprises structured lesson plans that help children develop gross motor skills, spatial awareness, dynamic and static balance, bilateral co-ordination along with the necessary skills to make the transition from a balance bike to an ordinary pedal bike in a safe, challenging but fun way. Balanceability is a two-level programme with each level being delivered in six 45-minute sessions.

Taster Sessions available throuought the day at Ponty's Big Bite!

Bike and Helmet Supplied!


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Ponty's Big Bite - 02/08/2014

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